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Thread: Computer worm could strike April 1st

  1. #1
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    Computer worm could strike April 1st

    The "Conficker .C worm, also known as the Downup and the Downadup, began spreading from computer to computer last November. Today, computer I.T. experts say the longer it's around the more creative it gets.

    "It now disables a lot of security software," says Andy Swenson, and information specialist with Tribridge of Tampa, a Microsoft partner. Swenson says this worm could have spread to as many as 9 million personal computers worldwide and has the potential to affect anyone who uses the internet on a Windows-based PC.

    "It spreads through network shares. So, anyone in an office environment that has many PCs, that shares files, could be infected that way it also shares through USBs," Swenson says.

    You can transfer the worm from memory sticks. It can even spread among computers in the same home.

    "With this new version, called .C, we really don't know what the virus or worm is going to do at the next iteration on April 1st,” Swenson says.

    People studying this worm believe it is programmed to take on yet another form on April 1st. That means the worm could try to jam up systems, crash computers, hack into and steal your personal information.

    "Identity theft, where it tries to download what's called a key stroke logger, a piece of software that sits on your computer and every time you try to type something on your computer it logs that," Swenson says.

    But, no one knows for sure what new form this worm will take on April 1st, if it will take any at all. But Swenson says all PC users should take steps to protect themselves now. You should definitely make sure to update your spyware security software. You can also run free patches that will detect the worm and repair it for you in a matter of minutes.


    Last edited by egghead; March 28th, 2009 at 18:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    Thanks Reverend

    I checked my pc with the scanner and came up with nothing.

    Millions of computers are infected so let's hope people fix their computers to stop this worm


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